
"The hounds are barking, their chains are rattling; Men are asleep in their beds, They dream of the things they do not have, Find refreshment in good and bad things. And tomorrow morning everything is vanished. Yet still, they have enjoyed their share, And hope that what remains to them, Might still be found on their pillows. Bark me away, you waking dogs! Let me not find rest in the hours of slumber!" Wilhelm Mueller

An allegory on alienation in society.
The installation of a bed in public space: The inventory of
the "Hotel Stefansplatz" is transferred into the green grass
within a traficconjunction. Via sensors the rearrangement of
Schubert's Winterjourney sounds from the bed.
Funded by the Ministry of Culture of the Austrian government
"Artmapping II" Fluc, Wien
Curated by Ursula Maria Probst


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